Inspiration. All you need is a little inspiration and my hope is whether you are looking for fun and exciting recipes or healthier recipes to get you back on track, that PopUp Chef can be that inspiration.
During these last 4 weeks of the COVID-19 epidemic, life has been challenging for all of us and unfortunately devastating for some.
Life will never be the same again as life is always moving. I have to say, I’ve had my fair share of traumatic experiences in life and it’s fair to say too, we can all rise from the quarantine.
My family and I have been fortunate enough to just deal with the lockdown rules and try to carry on as normally as possible.
Stocking up for food and supplies was frantic at first and in a way, it has been better to shop once a week or longer as this allows better planning of meals and/or using up older food stock in the cupboards.

Quarantine has also allowed me the time to build this site of which I wish to inspire you to cook great meals while cherishing life with family or friends.
I think after being in lockdown and away from friends and family and once we are fully out of quarantine, we will cherish our time more with friends and family which can only be a good thing.

I figured out a long time ago that life is not what happens to you but how you react to life. It’s about how you get back up, dust yourself off and carry on.
So my message today is, we can be defined by an event such as COVID-19, yet it’s up to us and in our power to choose how we deal with it and how we build from here.
As I said, I’ve been fortunate as I travel a lot with work and this lockdown has given me more time with family which I have loved.
It’s also given me time to try new dishes that I’ve been meaning to cook for a long while like steamed Bao Buns and Homemade fresh pasta. I’ve also cooked some naughty sweet stuff like my New York Cheesecake.
So I have three wishes for you, one is that you come out of this COVID-19 epidemic and lockdown with a new outlook on life and a new sense to not waste precious time with family or friends.
My second wish is that you are putting into action the dreams and goals that you’ve been longing to pursue.
And my third wish is that I can be your inspiration to cook exciting and fun meals for your loved ones while cherishing those moments.
Have a great day, Paul @ PopUp Chef